
Long island medium daughter dies
Long island medium daughter dies

Is it true that you communicated with the spirits of Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston? At the end of the day I'm happy to give people who live peace and the ability to talk to their loved ones. It is simply impossible to compare the human tragedy. The most difficult cases are when parents lose their children, but also when an 8-year- old girl loses her mother, or I communicate with women who died in childbirth. Several times I was literally "pinned against the wall," or I felt as if I was being "bitten". It really exhausts me to deal with violent deaths. On the other hand, the ghosts never reveal the names of the killers. I allow them to come into me and I act like they do. From ghosts I receive only messages in relation to what can be prevented or fixed. I'm just here as a body through which the spirits send messages to loved ones. It would be as if you ask from general practitioners to carry out the difficult surgery.

long island medium daughter dies

There are special mediums dealing with that. Would you agree to cooperate with the police in solving murders? I took off the burden to many of them, allowing them to communicate with loved ones, so they crossed the levels more easily. Some choose to stay "on the other side" and to continue to learn, others return to Earth going into someone's body. Some spirits with whom I interacted were at lower levels, the others - at higher ones. As far as heaven and hell are concerned, I can say that there are energy levels. There is a higher power, and every soul itself chooses its own way! It depends on us, then, what destiny our souls will have. What do the spirits say, are we going to God when we die, and what the hell and paradise look like? Leaving the story with him for later, we turn to Teresa with serious ontological dilemmas. I finished the Faculty of Economics in Novi Sad." He seamlessly leans and says in pure Serbian: "I know where Serbia is. It is a gorgeous country.Īt the moment our two-meter waiter interrupts us to pour coffee into large American cups. All kidding aside, Teresa and I are planning to go to Italy, where our ancestors are from. All I know in Italian are a couple of curses (laughter). To our remark that Serbia is close to Italy and that it would be logical to know where it is, Teresa responds immediately: I heard that you came from Serbia! That's wonderful! I knew nothing about this country until I saw on Twitter how many Serbian fans I have! In front of her there are orange juice and croissants. Teresa arrives on time, accompanied by her husband Larry from who, she says, for 25 years never separated, filling the room with loud laughter, jokes, unsolicited comments. Telegraph met this witty, communicative (author's note, as only Americans of Italian origin can be) television star who receives 20,000 e-mails per week, for breakfast, in a restaurant on Broadway in New York where we "rushed" at the invitation of the channel "Discovery". It is the everyday of the American Theresa Caputo (48), a housewife, a mother of two children and the star of the show program of "Long Island Medium" (author’s note We are watching the seventh season on TLC) who, humorously observes, at the age of 4 thought everyone sees ghosts, at 14 that she went crazy, and at 48 that she is definitely "crazy"!

long island medium daughter dies

But if you think that this life is a blessing, then try to imagine yourself in the middle of the night getting up out of bed, moving the curtain from the window, and a little further, in a neighbor's yard, on a tree a hanged man is hanging, reaching out to you trying to tell you something. She chattered with her dead grandmother before seemingly frightened parents on the couch in the living room, she met long deceased grandmother in home halls, and soon began to communicate with unknown souls: a middle-aged man who had committed suicide, a seven-year boy who had drowned, a woman who had died at childbirth, but also the stars like Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson.

long island medium daughter dies

LIKE US ON FACEBOOK – Telegraf English, or write to us: was only four when she felt a tingling in the body and for the first time in her life saw - a spirit.

Long island medium daughter dies